Caterpillar Inc.



This is a project I worked on in my junior year with 2 other designers. Our goal was to find a way to increase the number of online fluid submissions to Caterpillar. We worked directly with the Cat Digital UX team to meet their requirements and create quality screens. We primarily utilized Figma to create wireframes, screens, color templates, etc. At the end of the project, we presented the final product during Caterpillar's ​​World Usability Day Conference.

My Role

‍As a collaborative project, I worked on this project with two other UI designers in my Advanced Interaction Design class. Together, the three of us would meet to work in Figma, designing components, doing competitive analysis/research, user testing, prototyping, and writing scripts. Much of my time was spent on prototyping. As we proceeded with our screens, it was vital that we match Caterpillar’s current design library, making sure to adhere to their brand guidelines and utilize their components. We worked directly with two representatives from Cat Digital, as they oversaw our work. 

Project Timeline

This project first began at the beginning of the 2023 Fall semester and lasted until mid-November. Throughout the various months, my team and I worked diligently to ensure these screens for a hypothetical app that would address Caterpillar’s issue of low online fluid submissions. 

As described above, we collaborated between my team and our Caterpillar representatives’ guidance to prepare our product for the presentation day. In preparation, we created various prototypes and user tests online, ensuring to take detailed notes on a user’s thoughts, actions, and road blocks, so that we can get unbiased feedback and make alterations.

There were moments of struggle for our team, however. This was the first time that we had to design for a product like this. To overcome this, we analyzed Caterpillar as well as its competitors' designs, to gain a better understanding of how designs like these properly function in a user’s hands.

On the presentation day, we went to Cat Digital’s local offices to participate in their full day event/presentation. While there, we were able to meet our representatives in person for the first time and spend a few hours in a private room, where the five of us collaborated to make any last-minute user testing analysis and screen corrections.

Finally, we presented our screen prototype to our fellow designers and Caterpillar. I served as my team's primary speaker, where I presented on stage and explained our newly completed prototype. 

At the conclusion of the challenge, my team and I made sure to reach out to Caterpillar’s lead UX designers for their feedback. We wanted to make sure that going forward, even when faced with a new type of design challenge, we can be even more prepared and ready to face this new challenge.

Try Out The Prototype!
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